University of Crete, Greece
Project lead, Greece:
Prof. Christos Lionis, MD, PhD, HonFRCGP
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The Clinic of Social and Family Medicine (CSFM) ( ) at the Department of Social Medicine of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Crete (, has focused its research and academic interest on the enhancement of the quality of care in General/Family Medicine and Primary Health Care. This research focus translates into approximately 25 Ph.D. dissertations (of which 8 have already been completed), more 177 Medline papers and a number of research programs (e.g. FP6, FP7, DG SANCO, COST). The CSFM is actively involved in undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing education process of general practitioners and, more generally, in the academic development of General Practice in Greece. The Clinic is the coordinator of a network of General Practitioners who work in Health Centers and Peripheral Practices in Crete and is affiliated with a number of Universities and Research Centers abroad (Europe and U.S.A.). The Clinic further coordinates a Primary Health Care Unit at the city of Heraklion, which constitutes a collaborative initiative of the Faculty of Medicine, the University Hospital and the Municipality of Heraklion.
The RESTORE team in Crete is led by Professor Christos Lionis who is a Professor of General Practice and Primary Health Care and the Director of the CSFM. He has served as Vice President of the European Network of Research in General Practice ( for several years and is currently involved in certain European research GPs networks as well as he has an international portfolio of research into clinical subjects such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, psychiatric disorders and respiratory diseases. Please refer to the CSFM website for other research activities (
The RESTORE research team includes:
Dr. Maria Vlahadi ( Dit e-mailadres is beschermd tegen spambots. U heeft Javascript nodig om het te kunnen zien. ) PhD, Lecturer at the Department of Political Sciences at the University of Crete.
Mrs. Maria Papadakaki ( Dit e-mailadres is beschermd tegen spambots. U heeft Javascript nodig om het te kunnen zien. ), Social Worker, MPH, PhD candidate and Researcher at the Medical School, University of Crete, Lecturer at the Department of Social Work, Technological Educational Institute of Crete.
Mrs. Aristoula Saridaki ( Dit e-mailadres is beschermd tegen spambots. U heeft Javascript nodig om het te kunnen zien. ) BH.Sc, Public Health Researcher at the Medical School, University of Crete.
The Crete team leads WP4 on Cognitive Participation.
Selected Recent Publications:
(please refer to for a full list)
- C. Lionis, E. Symvoulakis, A. Markaki, C. Vardavas, M. Papadakaki, N. Daniilidou, K. Souliotis, I. Kyriopoylos. Integrated primary health care in Greece, a missing issue in the current health policy agenda: a systematic review. International Journal of Integrated Care 2009; 9:e88.
- S. Aniphantaki, T. M. Filiz, A. Alegakis, P. Topsever, A. Markaki, N. D. Cinar, F. Sofras, C. Lionis. Does urinary incontinence affect quality of life of Greek women RESTORE Description of Work 24 less severely? A cross-sectional study in two Mediterranean settings. Quality of Life Research 2009; 18:1311-1319.
- C. Lionis, E. Symvoulakis, K. Vardavas. Implementing family practice research in countries with limited resources and capacity: A stepwise model experienced in Crete, Greece. Family Practice 2009; 27: 48-54.
- DR. Pavlic, P. de Graaf, F. Buntinx F, C. Lionis. Primary care and care for chronic cancer patients in Europe: position paper of the European Forum for Primary Care. Quality Primary Care 2009; 17: 431-443.
- E. Hummers-Pradier, M. Beyer, P. Chevallier, S. Eilat-Tsanani, C. Lionis, L. Peremans, D. Petek, I. Rurik, J.K. Soler, H.E. Stoffers, P. Topsever, M. Ungan, P. van Royen. The research agenda for general practice/family medicine and primary health care in Europe. Part 1. Background and methodology. European Journal of General Practice 2009; 15: 243-250.
Specific Expertise with Migrant Groups
1. During 1997 and 1998 a team set up by the CSFM, and comprising of a doctor of Social Medicine, a midwife, health visitors, nurses, social workers and medical students, implemented a health promotion intervention at a gypsy camp in Heraklion. More specifically the above team carried out the following actions:
- Implementation of programs of health education at the gypsy school of Porros, Heraklion. These programs specifically focused on issues of diet and bodily hygene.
- At the gypsy camp, the team checked the immunization status of gypsy children and provided immunization where lacking.
- At the gypsy camp, programs of health promotion for the adult population were implemented. The focus of these programs was smoking, diet, contraception, breast and cervical cancer. A practice of Primary Care was set up inside the gypsy camp.
2. In the context of the MPH program of the Department of Social Medicine, of which the Clinic is part, two Master's theses have been carried out aiming at the migrant population of Gazi, Crete. The theses are the following:
- Evlabidou, I. 2005. Immunization status of migrant children at an urban site of Crete. Master's thesis, Medical School, University of Crete.
- Koutra, K. 2005. The subjective assessment of health status and satisfaction from health services among migrant mothers in a Cretan township. Master's thesis, Medical School, University of Crete. Dr. A. Koutis, Director at the Clinic of Social and Family Medicine, was co-supervisor in both the theses above.