RESTORE Partners
University of Limerick, Ireland
RESTORE Project Coordinator and Project lead, Ireland:
Anne MacFarlane, PhD, MA, BA
Professor of Primary Healthcare Research
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University of Crete, Greece
Project lead, Greece:
Prof. Christos Lionis, MD, PhD, HonFRCGP
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Dr. Maria Vlahadi, PhD
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Mrs. Maria Papadakaki, MPH
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Mrs. Aristoula Saridaki, BH.Sc
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National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland
Research associates:
Mary O'Reilly–de Brún, M.Th, BA.Th
Senior Researcher
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Tomas de Brún, MPhil, M.Th, BA.Th
Senior Researcher
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University of Glasgow, Scotland
Project leads, Scotland:
Prof. Frances Mair, MD, DRCOG, FRCGP
Professor of Primary Care Research
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Prof. Catherine O'Donnell, PhD, MPH, BSc (Hons), FHEA
Professor of Primary Care Research & Development
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Project administrator:
Michelle McKelvie
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University of Liverpool, England
Project lead, England:
Prof. Christopher Dowrick, BA, MSc, MD, CQSW, FRCGP, FFPHM
Professor of Primary Medical Care
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Research assistant:
Katja Gravenhorst
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Lucy Cooper, BSc, PGCert, MSc
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Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Project leads, The Netherlands:
Maria van den Muijsenbergh, MD, PhD
General practitioner, senior researcher
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Evelyn van Weel-Baumgarten, MD, PhD
General practitioner, Associate professor
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Eric Teunissen, MsC
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Francine van den Driessen Mareeuw
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Medical University of Vienna, Austria
Project lead, Austria:
Wolfgang Spiegel, MD
General practitioner, senior researcher
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Research associates:
Christine Princz, MA
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Pintail Ltd. Dublin, Ireland
Ciaran Clissmann, Pintail Ltd
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