relevant Guidances & Trainingsinitiatives
In the six partner countries of RESTORE different national Guidances and Trainingsinitiatives (G/TIs), concerning primary health care and migrants, were identified.
The following G/TIs were considered as relevant to share them with stakeholders across sites:
Code of G/TI | Name of G/TI | Link |
Scotland | ||
R/SCO 2a |
'Now we're talking: interpreting guidelines for staff of NHS' National Resource Centre for Ethnic Minority Health, Health Scotland |
Link to document via Health Scotland |
R/SCO 2b |
'Working with an interpreter' Toolkit Improving communication for people who use mental health and learning disability services in Scotland Mental Welfare Commision |
Link to document via Mental Welfare Commission Scotland |
R/SCO 2c |
'National competency framework for interpreting' NHS Scotland |
Link to document via Health Scotland |
R/SCO 2e |
'New European Migrants and the NHS: Learning from each other' NHS Lothian, Demot Gorman |
Link to document via Health Scotland |
R/SCO 31b |
'Principles of Inclusive communication' Scottish Government |
Link to document via the the Scottish Government |
England | ||
R/ENG 1a |
'Working with Interpreters in Health Settings - Guidelines for Psychologists' British Psychological Society |
Link to British Psychological Society Webshop |
R/ENG 1c |
'Good Practice to Interpreting and NHS Fact Cards' Part of the 'Good Practice for Access and Well Being Program (GPAW)' funded by the NHS Westminster and coordinated by the Migrant and Refugee Communities Forum (MRCF) |
Main page where guidance is available in several languages |
'NHS Fact Cards' Part of the 'Good Practice for Access and Well Being Program (GPAW)' funded by the NHS Westminster and coordinated by the Migrant and Refugee Communities Forum (MRCF) 2010 |
R/ENG 1g |
'Transcultural Health Care Practice: An educational resource for nurses and health care practitioners' eds. Charles Husband and Bren Torry |
Link to document via Royal College of Nursing |
R/ENG 17a |
'Improving access to healthcare for migrants: a toolkit' Training and Support 4 Services and Exiles (TS4SE) |
Link to document via Training and Support 4 Services and Exiles |
Ireland | ||
R/IRL 1a |
Link to document via National University of Galway |
R/IRL 1b |
Link to document via National Universit of Galway |
R/IRL 2b |
Link to document via Irish College of General Practitioners |
The Netherlands | ||
R/NL 4a |
E-learning program intercultural care Mikado |
Link to PDF |
R/NL 15 |
'Practical norms/guideline for use of interpreters in health care' Dutch Health Care Inspectorate |
Link to document via the Government of the Netherlands |
R/NL 21c |
'Culturally sensitive primary health care' Ears of Babel |
Link to PDF |
R/NL 21d |
Workshop: 'Medically unexplained symptoms and migrants' Ears of Babel |
Link to PDF |
R/NL 24c |
'Did I explain it clearly?' How to communicate with migrants with lower education and less command of the Dutch language Pharos |
Link to document via Pharos |
R/NL 28e |
Workshop:'Doctors' receptionists and cultural diversity' Pharos |
Link to document via Pharos |